Thursday, April 10, 2014


We drew Chick (Mr. Sands' girlfriend) in drawing.  So..  Yeah.  It was interesting, and I'm sure that my drawing skills have increased since freshman year.  (This was a project?)
 Artists Develop Art Making Skills
 By drawing Chick this time, I learned how to shade a bit better. The ribs are completely shaded (those took forever...)  and I've gotten a few tips on perspective.  My skill with a drawing pencil has improved.
Artists Collaborate
While all of us were drawing Chick, I stopped to look around at other people's drawings quite a few times.  To take a break and to see how others are doing the same thing in different ways.  I know that the ribcage perspective doesn't really match with some of the rest of the body, and seeing other works helps you see mistakes with your own.  No one really inspired me because this is a drawing of a skeleton...
Artists Reflect
I stepped back after drawing the head and thought "Well, what now?"  and then drew a quick sketch of the rest of the body.  It branched out from there.  Every time I shaded a part of the body I had to step back and think about it was good or not.  If one part isn't shaded correctly, you can just tell.  I thought about doing a super realistic spine, but then decided off of it.  I couldn't see the bones well enough.

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